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When: February 24-26, 2025

Where: West Des Moines, IA

Location: Hilton Garden Inn

Registration Cost: $18/person





Lee Mcbride

Lee uses real life stories to truly connect with people on a much deeper level. He's been on over 50 missions trips, has spoken at 500 wild game suppers, and preached over 100 youth camps and retreats. Every August Lee speaks to over 100

football teams in 30 days Hidden Hook Ministries has three goals: win people to Christ, be a true friend to pastors, and motivate people to tell their Jesus story.


Tuesday & Wednesday 

Rev. Sam Rijfkogel

Pastors Sam and Brenda Rijfkogel have served at Grand Rapids First since 2006. Pastor Sam’s creative communication style brings a fresh perspective to sound biblical doctrine. His own family’s conversion is a fruitful testimony of world missions outreach and is the foundation of his deep passion for missions.

He and his wife, Brenda, lead by example as they serve and love our community. Their greatest joy is spending time with their family.


4-5:30 PM: Check In/Registration
6 PM: Banquet w/ Lee McBride
(sponsored by Fire Bible)

8:30 AM: Check In/Registration Cont’d
9:30 AM-NOON: Ministry w/ Rev. Sam Rijfkogel
12 PM: Lunch (on your own)
1-5 PM: Free Time
5 PM - Dinner (on your own)
6 PM: Service w/ Rev. Sam Rijfkogel

9:30 AM: Ministry with Sam Rijfkogel
12 PM: Dismissal

Hotel Block

Hilton Garden Inn
205 S. 64th St.
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Under the Name: Iowa Ministry Network
$139/day - Standard
$159/day - Suite

*Hotel Reservation Deadline: February 5th
(Rates will increase dramatically after the 5th)

Iowa Ministry Network Assemblies of God

10525 Buena Vista Ct. | Urbandale, IA 50322

p (515)276.5493 

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